How to book your appointment
Appointments may be made over the phone with our friendly reception team. They will endeavour to find a time that fits your schedule. If your referring practitioner has told you that you have an urgent problem, please let our staff know, and they will provide you with one of our dedicated emergency slots.
Alternatively, your referring doctor or dentist may arrange an appointment for you (particularly for emergency patients). In this instance, please liaise with your practitioner to confirm that an appointment is booked.
The telephone number for bookings is: (02) 6282 3848.
What to bring with you to your appointment
Please bring all of the following if you have them:
- Your referral letter
- X-Rays/Scans
- Notes from previous treatments
- Medicare Card
- Centrelink Card
- Health Fund Card
- DVA Card
All wisdom teeth patients need an OPG X-Ray that has been taken within the last year. If you do not have one, discuss this with our staff.
When to arrive
Please arrive five to ten minutes prior to your first appointment as you will need to complete our patient questionnaire. If you have downloaded and completed this from our home page, please allow five minutes for our staff to create your personal file.
What will happen at your appointment
All patients have an initial consultation appointment where they have a personalised assessment and consultation completed. It is unusual to have any procedure completed at the first appointment.
At your initial appointment Dr Hyam will discuss your options with you, and together you will finalise your treatment plan. You will be given a written quotation for all costs involved, the procedures will be explained in depth, and the bookings will be made for any subsequent surgeries or treatment.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions about your procedure, and discuss the risks and benefits of your surgical options.
At the completion of your consultation you can liaise with our booking staff to arrange surgery, payment, and review appointments.
Fees, Medicare and Third Party Health Funds
The cost of your initial consultation may be partially subsidised by Medicare if you have the following:
1. A valid Medicare card in your name.
2. A valid referral from a recognized Medicare provider dentist or doctor, that has their provider number clearly stated and is addressed to the doctor you are seeing being either Dr Hyam or Dr Witherspoon.
At your appointment you will be issued with an invoice, and payment on the day is required. You may then present this invoice/receipt to Medicare to receive your Medicare refund or if your bank account details are registered with Medicare we can lodge a claim on your behalf.
Your health Fund does not usually contribute to the cost of consultations.
The costs of surgery will be clearly explained to you prior to any booking being made. The contribution of Medicare and your Health Fund (if applicable) will be discussed, and all necessary information to calculate any ‘out of pocket’ costs will be provided.